Social Media Influencer Agreement

Your Protection is more valuable than you know

With a continuously growing influence power that social media platforms hold, brands will look to use influencer’s image to get their advertisement across great numbers of viewers. The possibilities are endless with a new channel for marketing, and the value that every influencer holds is much greater than most expect it to be.  

We understand what it takes for an agreement between a brand and influencer to be beneficial for both parties as we continue to expand our knowledge about social media matters. Influencers offer great services with their built platforms, a representation of who they are as a person. A brand gives an influencer an opportunity to work alongside a company that can reach new audiences, but a fair terms including payment needs to be given to an influencer.  In return, a brand would get content promoting their products or services.

Both sides deserve to be happy with an agreement, and we are here to ensure that happens.  

What protection will an agreement give you?

As social media continues to grow, so does the rise of social media influencers. These individuals have a large following on various platforms and are often seen as key players in marketing campaigns for brands. This has led to the creation of social media influencer agreements, which outline the terms and conditions between the influencer and the brand.

One important aspect of these agreements is the protection it gives to both parties and their intellectual property. The influencer’s content, such as photos or videos, are considered their intellectual property and should be protected from unauthorized use by the brand. Brands also have certain intellectual property rights that need to be protected, such as their trademarked logos or slogans.

Sometimes, the influencer will be granted a license to use the brand’s intellectual property in their content. This can be beneficial for both parties, as it allows the influencer to create engaging content while also promoting the brand’s image.

In addition to protecting intellectual property, these agreements also outline the obligations of both parties. This can include the type and frequency of posts, as well as any required hashtags or mentions of the brand. By clearly stating these obligations, both parties are held accountable and can avoid any misunderstandings.

Social media influencer agreements are crucial in protecting the rights of both parties involved. By clearly outlining obligations and intellectual property rights, these agreements ensure a successful collaboration between influencers and brands, while also providing legal protection for all parties

Your name deserves respect

The title of an influencer holds different weight to people. What cannot be argued is the ability to assist a given company’s brand. Offers from various companies sound great, but we are here to ensure that we help protect you such as your intellectual property and resolve disputes that arise in the process.  

We are here for you throughout the entire process, assisting you in any given field of law that is needed with our various experts at Freeman Harris. With our particular involvement in business and personal law, we see our relationship being of good use as you work to get the right protection from the other party.  

At Freeman Harris, we want to make sure that our clients walk away happy from the experience they get. We offer representation and legal advice throughout the process asking questions such as the following: 

  • Is the deal fair for both parties? Should there be any amendments? 
  • Is the deal going to protect your image and the platform that has been created by you? 
  • Does everyone understand what they are agreeing to?  

If you want to discuss creating an influencer agreement or would like us to review an agreement, please contact us and we would be glad to help you.

Contact our legal team

If you would like to discuss this matter, please get in touch with our team for a consultation.