Other Injury Claims​

Honest, smart and expertly managed personal injury services on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis.

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At Freeman Harris, we are able to help you with your personal injury claim, no matter how obscure it might be. The following are some of the services we offer:

Accident abroad

Having an accident broad can be a frightening experience, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar country and aren’t confident with the language or culture. Whether you’ve suffered food poisoning or an injury while participating in extreme sports, and it wasn’t your fault, we can help you.

Animal causing injury

Being attacked by an animal can lead to a permanent disability and psychological damage. If you’ve been attacked by an animal and it wasn’t your fault, contact us and we can help you. Remember, while you might feel bitter towards the animal, its attack came as a result of negligence on the part of the owner, and you have a legal right to address that negligence and gain the compensation you deserve.


Suffering an assault, whether for a reason or not, is a frightening, disorientating experience that no one should have to go through. It can cause anxiety and stress that doesn’t go away the moment the assault stops, and you might continue to suffer long after the assailant is imprisoned. If you need our help getting compensation for an attack, contact us now.

Bike and motorbike claims

While riding on a bike or motorbike can be an exhilarating experience, but it is more dangerous than riding on four wheels. We frequently find it is not the fault of the rider when injury occurs, often holes in the road or other drivers can cause an accident. We can help you with any injury that occurred on the road that was not your fault.

Faulty product

Buying a new item, especially an electrical item, can be very exciting. However, sometimes things don’t always go to plan. Imagine buying a kettle, plugging it in and it exploding? Or an iron that melts the plastic surrounding it? We don’t expect this from new consumer items, but it happens. If it happens to you, contact us for compensation. It is not fault and the makers and sellers have a legal obligation to make sure their products are safe for your use.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning can cause some of the worst stomach ache and sickness you’ll experience. Perhaps you dined out at a restaurant as a treat, or ordered a take-away, but spent the next few days bed-ridden due to food poisoning. It’s not your fault, but you’ve suffered as a consequence. The providers of the food were negligent, as they had a duty of care to make sure that the food they provided was free of viruses, bacteria or chemicals. Contact us now to get compensation.

Inquests and fatal injury claims

An inquest into sudden or unexpected death can be a traumatic experience, especially if it transpires that negligence was the cause of death. If you suspect this has happened to someone, contact us now.

Military injury claims

While you might expect joining the armed forces places you in a greater level of danger, this is not always the case. If negligence occurs, and you injure yourself when it could have been avoided, then you could be eligible for compensation. This doesn’t just apply to those in the armed forces but to civilians who have been affected by a result of the armed forces. Contact us now to find out more.

Personal Injury Team

Lina’s background in nursing and law furnishes her with both medical and legal knowledge, allowing her to work on personal injury cases with great care and expertise.

John Holtom

John is an expert in dealing with complex personal injury claims and has a history of settling high value cases for clients who have suffered serious injuries.


Frankie has been working in the personal injury department for over 5 years and has worked on a variety of claims which includes complex injury claims.

Sylwia is a lawyer specialising in dealing with personal injury cases, and will be the first point of contact on your matter.

What our clients say?
No Win, No Fee, GenerallyNo Win, No Fee, Generally
Medical Negligence Claim ReviewNo Fees
Medical Reports (If Required)TBD

Contact us to make an personal injury claim

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+44 (0)207 790 7311