GP Negligence Claim

Caring, supportive and expert medical negligence services to clients in London and beyond

GP Negligence Claims

Our Medical Negligence Fees

When you are feeling unwell or have a concern for your health, the General Practitioners are the first people you turn to for help. They are there to provide a wide range of care and have an important role in your well-being. However, a mistake at this stage could have a severe and long-lasting effect.

It is important for the GPs to correctly investigate and identify any symptoms you are presenting so they can provide you with the best care possible as soon as possible. This may include carrying out tests and referring you to the relevant specialist. The GPs have a duty of care to provide a suitable and competent standard of care to their patients. This is based upon the reasonable standard of care other GPs would generally provide. However, if the care given, falls below this standard causing you to suffer avoidable damage, you may be able to claim negligence.

Some examples of GP negligence include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to investigate and carry out tests appropriately
  • Failure to refer
  • Failure to provide treatment and medication
  • Delayed diagnosis and treatment
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Providing the wrong prescriptions
  • Further injury caused
How can Freeman Harris help with GP negligence claim?

If you feel that you or a loved one has suffered from GP negligence, you can make a claim. Our solicitors have experience dealing with cases of this nature and have vast knowledge and skills to help guide you through a claim.

If you would like to speak to a member of the team, please call us on 020 7790 7311 or email us at

Contract Team

Lina’s background in nursing and law furnishes her with both medical and legal knowledge, allowing her to work on negligence cases with great care and expertise.

John Holtom John is an expert in dealing with medical negligence claims and has a history of settling high value cases.

Talha Fazlani

Talha has been working as a Litigator assisting the medical negligence department. He would be the first person you deal with regarding your matter.

Cat is a Legal Analyst and assists the medical negligence department in obtaining documents, and communicating with clients.

What our clients say?

GP Negligence Claims FAQ's

Can I make a complaint/report to my GP?

If you would like to make a complaint, first contact your GP practice and if this is still not a satisfactory resolution then you can contact your local integrated care board. You can find the relevant information here:

Should I claim my GP?

You may feel unsure or worried about making a claim and the impact this may have. However, by initiating a claim, changes can be implemented to prevent the same mistakes from happening again. Additionally, you can obtain compensation to cover any physical, psychological and financial losses you have suffered from any negligence.

Is there any information I need to know about claiming medical negligence?

If you want more information about making a claim, please visit our FAQ page. (link to our general medical negligence page – )

What costs are involved in making a claim?

Our cases are generally funded on a conditional fee agreement or ‘no win no fee agreement’ this means you do not pay anything upfront and this will deducted from any compensation awarded.

No Win, No Fee, GenerallyNo Win, No Fee, Generally
Medical Negligence Claim ReviewNo Fees
Medical Reports (If Required)TBD

Contact us to make an A&E claim

Discuss your matter with us.

+44 (0)207 790 7311