
What makes a confidentiality agreement (NDA) valid in England and Wales?

We get a number of requests from individuals who want to protect information they consider valuable through a confidentiality agreement or a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as it’s known in the United States. We often advise that there are certain requirements …

book publishing contract
Intellectual Property

Copyright in the Music Industry

Copyright is an incredibly important and vital part of a functioning and successful music industry. People often wonder who owns lyrics or who owns a melody; this post aims to cover and answer some of the key questions when it …

Contract Disputes

Social Media Influencer Agreement

Your Protection is more valuable than you know With a continuously growing influence power that social media platforms hold, brands will look to use influencer’s image to get their advertisement across great numbers of viewers. The possibilities are endless with …


Freeman Harris named as a Firm to Watch in the Legal500

Building on our expansion in London with our new offices in Chancery Lane, Freeman Harris is now in Legal 500! We are building on our years of litigation experience to focus on complex and high value matters. We are very …

Rotten Orange

LIABLE FOR LIBEL? (under review)

What is Libel and Slander? Words like “Defamation,” “Libel,” and “Slander” are thrown around all the time in today’s world of constantly developing media and communications, and nowhere is it more prevalent than in the world of publicity and public …

Image of two people discussing a verbal agreement
Contract Disputes

My verbal contract has been breached; what options do I have?

Under review Verbal contracts are made through spoken words, whether it is in person, through a phone call or any form of verbal communication. Although a verbal contract is legally binding, it can be difficult to prove its terms. As …

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