Should you have had the misfortune to have an accident at work there are a series of simple steps that you and your employer should take.
1. Record the accident – All businesses should have an accident book in which all accidents, be they big or small, are recorded in. The benefit of this is twofold, firstly it allows employers to keep track of problem areas and improve their health and safety policies accordingly to keep their employees safe, and secondly it allows for employees to have a record readily available should they need it to make an accident claim or claim statutory sick pay from the government.
2. Report the accident- some accidents or work related injuries/illnesses must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). According to government guidelines the following must be reported: work related deaths, serious injuries, work related diseases, ‘dangerous occurrences’’ such as scaffolding falling, any injuries involving hospitalisation for 24 hours or more, any injury or work related disease which results in the sufferer being away from work for 7 days or more. All specific guidelines are readily available on the HSE website should further clarification be required.
3. Claim sick pay – Many employers will provide a sick pay scheme, with which you should be well informed about. Check your contract if you are unsure about your company’s policy. However, for most individuals it will be the case that they are only able to claim statutory sick pay from the government. If you have been ill for 4 or more consecutive days and have earnings equal to or more than £107 per week, you will be able to claim for statutory sick pay. Information and the forms required to do this are available on the government’s website and also may be able to be attain the form from your employer. Often your employer will ask for a doctor’s note.
4. Make a personal injury claim- Often you may feel upset that you have been injured in a place where you are meant to be safe. If your accident could have been prevented by your employer, or your employer is at fault in any way, you may be able to make a successful claim. Contact a specialist solicitor who will be able to advise you as to whether you have valid grounds to make a claim and will be able to give information regarding the claiming procedure should you wish to take your claim forward.
Contact Freeman Harris today on 020 7231 7150 or fill in an online enquiry here to make a completely free, no obligation enquiry.