Will Writing Service​

Supportive and smartly drafted Wills for clients at an appropriate cost

Will Writing Solicitors in London

Our Will Writing Fees | Will Writing FAQs

We offer a very competitively priced will writing service in London (Greenwich). Death, unfortunately, is inevitable. In fact, it’s the only thing you can count on. But your legacy will not finish with your death; you can pass your assets on to your partner, children, charities or friends as a last parting gift wit jour will writing services. Making a will means drawing up a legal document to ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. Writing a Will is a form of insurance of the future, a way to protect your assets.

However, family life can be complicated. It’s very helpful to have someone who understands your family dynamics, which is why you should turn to a trusted will writing solicitor to assist you. We can help you draw up a will, or guide you through probate, with our will writing services starting from only £500.00 + VAT. 

What would a Will do for you?

Though we don’t like to think about the inevitable, it’s important to ensure that our assets go where we want them to after we are gone. A Will is a legal document that records your wishes for what happens to your ‘estate’ (your property, shares, savings, investments and personal possessions) after death.

What happens if you die without a will?

When you draw up a Will with us, we ask you what assets you have, who you want them to be distributed to (your ‘beneficiaries’) and how you want them to be distributed. You’ll also appoint your ‘executors’ who will be those who will carry out your wishes after your death. Once it’s all drawn up, it will be signed to make it legally binding, and we can even offer to store it for you.

What if I already have a will, but need for to be reviewed?

If you’ve already had a Will written, it’s very important to make sure it’s up to date, especially if you’ve had any changes of life circumstances like finding a new life partner, moving home or having a baby.

Our Will writing service is charged at a fixed fee, starting at just £500 + VAT, so you’ll never be left with any unexpected fees. Please contact us using our form below, call us on 0207 790 7311 or email contact@freemanharris.co.uk.

Private Client Team

Francesca Nelson

Francesca is our established Solicitor who deals with all will writing matters. She has a deep understanding of all legal aspects of wills and probate.

Catherine carries out a broad range of private client work which include the all family law related work. Her expertise is in resolving family law matters.

Phuong Troung

Rohana works on all all legal aspects of private client matters and can assist you in our Dunstable branch.

Isabel assists the private client department with all the initial information gathering and research work, which helps drive the department to get fair results for clients.

What our clients say?

Common Will Drafting Questions

What happens if I don’t write a Will?

Have you ever seen Heir Hunters? It’s all about what happens to people’s wealth if they haven’t written a Will. Control is relinquished into the hands of the court and the government will choose where best to redistribute your wealth. It could go to very distant family members you’ve never heard of or met, or it could end up back in the Crown’s and government’s own coffers.

Recent research has shown that over half of the people in UK have not made a will. In fact, the Times has reported that the value of estates belonging to people who died without a Will or heirs has almost doubled in 12 months. In 2012, the Treasury and the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster had benefited to the tune of £38.5 million. This is money that, had a Will been drawn up, may have benefited family members or friends instead.

You can view our infographic on the rules of intestacy, which apply if you without a will.

Can I change my Will?

Absolutely! Many people have a change of circumstance over their lives and will need to make a change to their Will. This could be adding new assets to your Will, changing your beneficiaries or any other other wishes you might have. You can contact us for further advice to begin changing your Will.

But I’ve lived with my partner for years. Why do I need a Will?

Unfortunately, the UK has no provision for ‘Common Law Husband and Wife’. This means that unmarried couples are not recognised as conjoined in the eyes of the law. If one partner dies without leaving a Will, then the surviving partner will not automatically inherit anything unless they jointly owned property together. As an unmarried couple, it’s very import than you draw up the proper Wills to make sure that your surviving partners can inherit from you.

But I don’t have a partner or any children. Why do I need a will?

Wills are not just for the elderly. If you have no partner or children and you don’t write a Will, then your wealth will be redistributed back to your parents. Whilst this might be agreeable to most, there are some unhappy circumstances where this might, in fact, not be to your liking. Say for example you were estranged from one of your parents at birth. You might not feel it is right to automatically redistribute wealth equally between two parents. If no one can be found, then according the laws of intestacy, your wealth could ultimately be redistributed to the Crown or Treasury. Or, in happier circumstances, you might wish to leave parts of your estate to charities or friends. Having a proper Will drawn up will enable you to do this.

Do I have to leave lump sums of my assets?

No. If you do not wish to leave a lump sum to your beneficiary, you can leave a trust fund instead. Trust funds are often left to people who are under 18, but you can leave a trust fund according to various kinds of circumstances. A trust fund can either pay out when the beneficiary reaches a certain age, or it can pay out an allowance until the fund is depleted. There are various stipulations you can request, if you wish. Perhaps you’d only like the money to be used for education, or the purchase of a first home. As it’s your money, you can decide the circumstances under which it will be given.

What about inheritance tax?

The responsibility of working out tax returns, tax relief, allowable deductions and working out the correct amount of Inheritance Tax due is one of the responsibilities of the executors. However, the myriad of forms can be quite complicated, so we are on hand to help you complete the Grant of Representation and to make the process easier for you. Though we are not accountants, we can also advise you to some degree on Inheritance Tax planning. We can also assist in helping to sell the estate once Probate has been granted.

Service Single WillsFees From £500VAT £100Total From £600
Service Mirror WillsFees From £700VAT £140Total From £840
Service ProbateFees From £2750VAT £550Total From £3300
Service Lasting Power of AttorneyFees From £350VAT £70Total From £420

Contact us to discuss your wills, trusts and probate

Discuss your matter with us.

+44 (0)207 790 7311