Our Commercial Litigation Fees | Commercial Litigation FAQs
We can help you if you find you are entering into disputes in a commercial environment. When things go wrong with your suppliers or customers, commercial landlord or even employees, they can often be very damaging and expensive and distract you from dealing with the core of your business.
When you fall out with your suppliers or customers, commercial landlord or even employees, they can often be very damaging and expensive and take you away from dealing with the core of your business.
Being a relatively small business ourselves we understand all these issues and can help you deal with yours. We will work quickly to try and establish the real issues and work with you to resolve these issues in the most economical way.
As a last resort we will go through the courts but before that we will try and encourage settlement of the matter without the need to issue proceedings in court.
Abdul carries out a broad range of legal work with a focus on commercial litigation.
We are drafting the most frequently asked questions. We will update the pages shortly.
Fees: Hourly Rate
Drafting a Letter: £250
Commercial Matters Advice: £120
Fees inclusive of VAT and disbursements
N.B. provided simple and straightforward