Gay Divorce Solicitors

Caring, supportive and smart solicitors for same sex marriage issues at a cost effective rate.

Civil Partnership Dissolutions

Our Family Law Fees | Same Sex Marriage FAQs

Howsoever your family unit is made up and whatever it’s dynamic and structure, a breakdown of any union is hard. The commitment to each other in a same sex relationship is no less than in opposite sex couples and a breakdown is similarly no less painful.

But, break ups happen. If you feel it is that time for you to dissolve your partnership, we are here to offer a caring and understanding legal service.

How can Freeman Harris Solicitors help with civil partnership dissolutions?

Freeman Harris Solicitors are not your traditional lawyers. We are neither a big corporate firm where you are a reference number nor a small firm who don’t have an understanding of civil partnership dissolutions. We are a firm who know our clients individually providing a bespoke service tailored to each client’s circumstances and needs.

We have acted for a large number of same sex couples whose civil partnership had run its course. We pride ourselves on being personable, sensitive and non-judgemental with the ability to deal with all legal matters arising out of the termination of a union.

When it comes to our fees, we are transparent and upfront from the start so you know what to expect. We also understand that you might only be looking to discuss the implications and effects of a dissolution but perhaps not ready to go through with anything just yet. Our initial advice to you is either free or charged at a very low cost so you can leave our office with clarity on your rights and obligations.

If you would like us to provide advice and guidance on civil partnership dissolution, please contact us, and we will outline the service we can offer, and the associated costs.

Family Team

Catherine (Cat) carries out a broad range of private client work which include the all family law related work. Her expertise is in resolving family law matters.

Phuong Troung Rohana works on all all legal aspects of relationships, children matters and financial disputes in the Family Law area.

Isabel assists the family law department with all the initial information gathering and research work, which helps drive the department to get fair results for clients.

What our clients say?

Common Civil Partnership (Same Sex Marriages)

Is there a difference between same sex marriage and a civil partnership?

Civil partnership and same sex marriage is similar in ways such as both sharing property rights, pension benefits and the ability to obtain parental responsibility. However, there is a few differences between the two.

In a civil partnership, you cannot rely on adultery to end the partnership, whereas in a marriage you can. If a couple decide to end their marriage it is by obtaining a decree absolute and differs to a Civil partnership, as they would need a dissolution order. Another difference, is that in some countries a civil partnership is not legally recognized, unlike a marriage which is legally binding in all countries.

What grounds can you use to dissolve a civil partnership?

To legally end your civil partnership, you need to apply to the court for a dissolution order. You must prove to the court that your civil partnership has ‘irretrievably’ broken down and must be able to prove at least one of the following:

  • Your partner has behaved unreasonably
  • You and you partner have lived apart for two years and both agree to the dissolution
  • You and your partner have lived apart for at least five years, if only one of you agrees to the dissolution
  • Your partner deserted you at least two years ago
Who gets custody of the children when a civil partnership is dissolved?

Like a marriage, if you have parental responsibility when your civil partnership ends, it is down to both parents to decide on who will care for the children on a day-to-day basis and come up with an agreement. It is not always easy to reach an amicable decision and like a divorce there is many different ways of receiving help in regards to children.

Can I just get advice on my civil partnership before starting the process?

When entering into an agreement with a partner you may feel apprehensive and have many questions you want to ask. Here at Freeman Harris our family law solicitor’s will guide you and give as much information to give you peace of mind. For example, if you or your partner want to protect your financial and property interests we can advise you on entering a pre-civil partnership agreement.

Service Divorce - PetitionFees From £750VAT £150Total From £900
Service Dicorce - RespondentFees From £550VAT £110Total From £660
Service Financial MatterFees From £200 hourly rateVAT £40Total From £240 hourly rate
Service Children Law MatterFees From £200 hourly rateVAT £40Total From £240 hourly rate

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