Is It Safe To Filter On A Motor Bike?

Lane splitting or ‘filtering’ as it is also known, is used to describe the movement of a 2-wheeled vehicle between lanes of road traffic moving in the same direction. Many motorcycle riders consider it to be one of the key benefits of riding a bike, especially when filtering on the busy streets of London or other town centers. When undertaken in a sensible manner, filtering is a perfectly legal manoeuvre here in the UK – however, there are safety risks to consider. If a filter manoeuvre is undertaken when traffic is no longer queuing, this move can be considered as a dangerous overtake.

For filtering to be considered safe, the rider must pay attention to ‘when’ as well as ‘where’. There are several situations where it is illegal to filter on a motor bike. For example during a no overtaking zone (such as following ‘no overtaking’ signage or between solid white lines) and when approaching a crossing with zig-zags. You are still allowed to filter when the road is split by a solid white line, but you must not cross this white line.

If passing a large vehicle, you must always be able to see a clear passage in front of it. Should a collision occur with a vehicle in front of a bus, lorry, tractor or other long vehicle, you will not win a claim. Do not pass until you know for sure that it is safe to do so.

The problem with motor bike filtering is that, although legal, there is a prejudice in the legal system when it comes to accident liability. Legal precedents were formed during the 1960s-1980s which see motorcyclists appointed the majority of blame in accidents which involve motor bike filtering. Courts in the UK do appear to rule that filtering is a risky practice and that the rider puts him or herself in a vulnerable position by carrying out this form of passing.

Having said this, these precedents are not definitive and the courts will also consider speed, vehicle positioning and whether the traffic was moving or stationary. Witnesses will also be key in determining blame.  We have a great track record with claims involving filtering and motorbike cases in general. This is partly due to the fact that the two partners of the firm, Ian Freeman and Sam Harris both ride motorbikes every day on the streets of London and understand the unique position motorcycle riders are in. When we deal with motorbike accident victims we often ride out to see them at home so as to inconvenience them the least we can.

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If you would like to discuss this matter, please get in touch with our team for a consultation.