How To Make A Whiplash Claim In London

Due to its congested nature, there are naturally an unfortunate amount of road traffic accidents in London. If you are involved in a car accident, bus accident, or another accident on London’s roads, you are at high risk of sustaining a whiplash injury. According to statistics from Transport for London car users are the most likely to be involved in an accident on the roads, however not the most likely to be involved in a fatal accident on the road, with the highest risk of fatalities being with cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is common neck injury which occurs after a sudden acceleration to deceleration. It often follows a rear end shunt, something which is incredibly common in collision in slow moving traffic or stop-start traffic, as well as at junctions. These kinds of accidents are extremely common on London roads. It is damage to the sensitive soft tissues and bone in the neck and back, whiplash, when chronic has the potential to have a very debilitating effect on the sufferer’s life, causing times of partial disability.

How Do I Claim?

To make a claim, first of all, get in touch with a specialist whiplash solicitors and talk over the context of your accident and the symptoms you are suffering. They will rapidly be able to make a fairly accurate assessment of whether or not you have grounds to make a whiplash claim. You must be in a situation where the accident you were involved in was not your fault otherwise you will not be able to make a claim, whiplash claims will always be entered into against a third party who is deemed to be at fault. This stands for all personal injury claims, be they against another driver, an employer, or even a criminal.

Make a note of your symptoms as you go and keep notes of any medical expenses you incur, and any doctor’s trips you take. Any trips to the GP or a hospital must be noted down on to your medical record as well, and you should ensure you are happy with the way your injuries are described as you may need this evidence to support your claim. It will be easiest for both you and your solicitor if this information is readily available to you both.

How Much Does Claiming Cost?

Most personal injury solicitors offer a no win no fee cost scheme, so ensure that you take advantage of this as it will mean you get one hundred per cent of your compensation, as legal fees with be recovered from the other side. You will also have nothing to pay should you lose your case in court.

Contact our legal team

If you would like to discuss this matter, please get in touch with our team for a consultation.