Has Your Employer Failed To Train You?

Many employers are failing their employees on the training front. A recent investigation by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills into the training employer’s are providing to their employees found that 2/5 employees had received no training at all in the last year and 45% of manager received no training. Many of us can admit to zoning out having sat through two days of training for a call centre or a supermarket, and we rush to complain of our boredom, but when we do not receive the training we require to complete our job role effectively, we also find reason to pick fault.

When it comes to training though, the most dangerous training failure occurs when your employer fails to provide health and safety training. Oh yes the dreaded health and safety. Actually though, you may sigh and groan but if you are not properly trained in how to use a piece of machinery safely you could at best, find it complex, at worst, receive a disabling or fatal injury.

Employers are legally obligated to provide the health and safety training necessary for their employees to complete their job in a safe environment; this is one of the most basic obligations your employer has to you. If you have had any accident at work which is due to a failure by your employer to provide adequate training, you should be able to make a compensation claim against your employer. Your employer may be held liable for your accident in the following circumstances:-

–          Machinery accidents which occur due to your lack of knowledge or another employee’s lack of knowledge

–          Slip and trip accidents

–          Accidents involving vehicles in the workplace

Every workplace accident is different but if any of the above applies to you, you should contact a specialist work injury lawyer today. From the date of your accident you have 3 years to enter into the accident claims process. However, you currently have two reasons to contact a solicitor as soon as possible. Firstly, the sooner you contact a solicitor, the better your chances of being successful as your injuries will be assessed when they are at your most prominent and your account will be reported when it is fresh in your mind. Secondly, currently you can still make your claim under a no win no fee agreement which means you have nothing to lose. No win no fee agreements will no longer be an available option to you as of April 2013.

Contact Us

For a free initial enquiry call us here at Freeman Harris on 020 7231 7150 or fill in an online enquiry we specialise in personal injury claims and are looking forward to sharing our knowledge with you today.


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Contact our team anytime for a no-obligation chat about your legal matter. Once you speak with us, you will notice the difference yourself.

Call 0207 790 7311 or email contact@freemanharris.co.uk.

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