Common Work Related Disease Claims

Work related diseases are incredibly upsetting for the sufferer as often they have contracted an illness when they do not have any other viable options for a line of work. Sometimes people have not been provided the correct safety equipment by their employer leaving them with lasting negative effects. The good news is that it is possible to claim for compensation for work related illnesses and it is also possible to claim for benefits – ‘Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit’ (IIDB) to be precise.  You will not, however, be able to make a claim if you are self employed.

Unfortunately the individuals who commonly contract work related diseases are those who are employed in practical roles – miners, factory workers, construction workers and similarly employed individuals are those who suffer most often.  This is due to the high level of contact they have with toxic chemicals and heavy duty machinery.

The most commonly claimed for illnesses are linked to:

–          Lung problems such as industrial asthma

–          Asbestos related diseases

Other common industrial illnesses:

–          Prescribed disease A11 (vibration white finger)

–          Deafness

–          Repetitive strain injuries – back problems and joint problems

How Do I Claim?

If you are suffering from an industrial disease you should ensure you see a doctor and receive medical treatment to alleviate your symptoms. This is important. After you have done this you should consider claiming for compensation for the suffering you have gone through. If you are thinking of making an industrial disease claim you should firstly – get in touch with a specialist solicitor. Specialist work injury lawyers will be able to talk your claim through with you in minutes and will be able to offer an expert opinion on the viability of your case. Secondly – keep note of your symptoms and how they progress. The effect your symptoms are having on your day to day life will be an important aspect of the medical report that will be drawn up to support your case. If you have a strong idea of how your disease is affecting you this will make your case stronger. Consider: pain (how severe and for how long), psychological effect (e.g. lack of sleep), mobility and so on.

If your claim is successful your compensation amount will be calculated on the severity of your injuries – physical and psychological and on financial losses you have suffered due to the illness such as loss of earnings and treatment costs.

Contact Us

Freeman Harris specialise in work related disease claims. For a free initial consultation call us on 020 7231 7150 or fill in an online enquiry.


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