Image of a contract affected by coronavirus implications

Can the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic be used to terminate a contract?

A pandemic isn’t a common occurrence, especially on a global scale like the current Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Now that we are going through this difficult period, everything from daily life to the commercial world is in upheaval. It’s an understatement …

Graphic depicting copyright infringement case
Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement against another author and their book

Some authors come across another book, or a synopsis of an unpublished book, and find a lot of similarities between their published work and what they have found. They often enquire if this constitutes copyright infringement, and if there are …

Two men speaking while on a pier
Family Law

Life Interest trusts and the family home

A life interest trust is a great idea when a person wants to protect their home for a future generation. This is typically when a person wants their home to be protected for their children from a current relationship or …

A women sitting thinking by the beach

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) & Wills, LPA’s

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic there will be an increased interest in getting wills and lasting power of attorney (LPA) drafted. However, there are requirements for witnessing a will, and LPA’s, in person to make it legally binding. How are …

Banner image depicting the impact of coronavirus on personal injury
Personal Injury

Covid 19 (Coronavirus) and personal injury claims

In these difficult times when governments all over the world are struggling despite the resources available to them to limit the exposure to the virus, it may seem unkind to consider potential claims that will arise as result of catching …

Office setting depicting commercial litigation
Commercial Litigation

Have you been let down by a contractor because of Covid 19 And if so do you have a remedy at law?

Given the temporary closure of many businesses based on Governments direction, and by the owners own accord, it is likely that many contracts made may not be fulfilled during this pandemic. In such circumstances what are your rights? We answer …

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