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Accident at Work Claim

Honest, smart and expertly managed work injury claim
on a ‘no win,no fee’ basis.

Pursuing Compensation for Work-Related Injuries

Our Personal Injury Fees | Accident at Work FAQs

Having an injury is never pleasant, especially when it’s not your fault. In Britain last year, there were an incredible 1.2 million working people who suffered from a work-related illness. If you do have an accident at work, we can help you make a claim for compensation.

There’s no shame in claiming what you’re entitled to or receiving compensation for money you shouldn’t have had to spend. If you’ve had an injury at work check with us to see what compensation you might be entitled to. We’ve dealt with thousands of Personal Injuries cases and have a very strong record of obtaining compensation for our clients, with our team having extensive years of combined experience.

Remember that it is your employer’s responsibility to ensure that the place in which you work is safe, and that all measures to ensure your safe have been carried out. If you have had an accident at work, make a record of it and contact us. If you ask us to help you, you can be sure of superb service from our friendly, sympathetic and experienced solicitors. Having dealt with thousands of personal injury claims and recovered millions of pounds of compensation, we know how important it is for you to feel better and understand any concerns or questions you might have.

What is Employers responsibility? 

Your employer is legally required to ensure that you have a working environment that is safe. Remember that paper signs such as ‘The Management Takes No Responsibility’ have little legal bearing, and your employer is still obliged to protect you. If they fail to provide this, they could well be responsible for your injury.

What to do when you have an accident? 

Having an accident at work can be a traumatic and confusing time. Your health should take precedence, so receiving adequate medical attention is the first action you should take. There are, however, a number of steps that you should take as soon as you can so that making a claim is as easy as possible.

  • You should record your injury in your company’s accident book. Your company is required by law to have one if there are more than 10 employees. If there is no book, tell your employer in writing about the accident and the injuries you sustained.
  • If a major injury has occurred then the employer should report it to the Health and Safety department at your local authority. Your employer is the one who has to do this, though you can follow-up and ensure it’s been reported.
  • Find someone who witnessed the accident who will support your claim. These can be fellow colleagues or members of the public who were present.
  • If you can, take photographs of the machinery and location where the accident took place.
  • Write a statement of your version of events which took place. Include as much detail as you can.
  • Go to your doctor and have put a note of your injuries on your medical record.
  • If you need to take some time off work, check your employer’s sickness scheme and organise your statutory sick pay.
  • Try and find out if there have been previous accidents of a similar nature where someone was injured.
Personal Injury Team

Lina’s background in nursing and law furnishes her with both medical and legal knowledge, allowing her to work on personal injury cases with great care and expertise.

John Holtom

John is an expert in dealing with complex personal injury claims and has a history of settling high value cases for clients who have suffered serious injuries.


Frankie has been working in the personal injury department for over 5 years and has worked on a variety of claims which includes complex injury claims.

Sylwia is a lawyer specialising in dealing with personal injury cases, and will be the first point of contact on your matter.

What our clients say?

Common Accident At Work Questions

Will I loose my job if I make a claim against my employer?

You can’t be dismissed from your job just for making a claim. If your employer has dismissed you, or made you redundant, without a fair reason or without correct procedure, simply for pursuing a personal-injury claim then you could be entitled to claim for Unfair Dismissal. If the way you’ve been treated by your employer following your claim has left you no choice but to leave your job, then you could have a case to claim for Constructive Unfair Dismissal.

Should you report your accident at work to your employee?

Yes. If you do not report an accident at work this is likely to make bringing a claim far more difficult. If there is no written record of an accident your employer could argue that the accident did not happen, or if it did happen, it didn’t happen in the way you describe it.

Should you report your accident at work to your employee?

Report the accident to your employers as soon as you can.

Your employer has a duty to record any accidents. If your suffered injury that prevented you from reporting the accident, your employer should have recorded it anyway.

If you are off work for more than 7 days because of the accident, your employer is required by RIDDOR to report the accident to the HSE.

If you are able to put in writing the circumstances of what happened (in an email, for instance, or even record a video on a mobile) that may be very valuable if there is a dispute.

How much compensation will I recieve for my accident at work?

This depends on the seriousness of the injury.

If you had to take time off from work during which you were not paid, you will be entitled to claim for loss of earnings. You are entitled to claim for other losses and expenses caused by the accident, for instance, travel, treatment costs, medication costs.

If you suffer serious injury that has an impact on your future ability to work, you could have a claim is very substantial.

]If you recover from your injuries within a few months, subject to any loss of earnings claim, it is probable that your compensation will be less than £10,000.

How long will it take for me to recieve my compensation?

This depends on the complexity of your case.

If liability is accepted, and if you are expected to recover from your injuries within a few months of the accident, the claim would take between 6 to 8 months.

If liability is disputed, and if Court proceedings are required, and if you have complex life-changing injuries, some cases may take years. 

What are the most common workplace accident claims?
  • Lifting and/or manual handling
  • Slip and trip
  • Defective equipment
  • Failure to provide personal protective equipment/clothing
  • Failure to give any or sufficient training
  • Stress
  • Negligence of co-worker
  • Assault
Can I act at someone's behalf who suffered from an accident?

You can help/assist a Claimant, but only a solicitor can formally act for a Claimant.

Are there any organisations that can help support me with issues caused by accident at work?

We can help support and help to direct you to others who can provide rehabilitation.

I am worried about the repercussions of making a claim, can I decide to stop the case at any point?

It is your common law right to claim losses suffered at work.

If your employer discriminates against you or bullies you because you are making a claim, you would then have an entirely different cause of action under employment law against your employer.

If decide to stop the case without first having the agreement of your solicitors that they will write off any costs incurred, you would be personally liable for the costs incurred.

No Win, No Fee, GenerallyNo Win, No Fee, Generally
Medical Negligence Claim ReviewNo Fees
Medical Reports (If Required)TBD

Contact us to make an personal injury claim

Discuss your matter with us.

+44 (0)207 790 7311